


PSA: Baby is here how-ev-er I’m still going to upload these blogposts I had sitting around in my drafts

Chapter 3.
I'll be honest, this trimester has been very overwhelming. I’ve been dealing with some great changes and although everything is well it’s getting too much. Did that make sense lol ?! tries to make sense of it Basically the things I had prayed for are coming thruuu and it’s like wow God thanks *pew, next blessing* ok God, amazing *pew pew* wow God I don’t know how ima deal with this but yass *pew pew pew* whew chile the blessings.

But listen all I can do is thank God, He is in control and ive got this

Ive decided to NOT have a baby shower. I love events, I live for events but 
I dunnoo. I’m good.
I think.
It's that overwhelming feeling ive been experiencing, I don’t want to add to that. I’ve also decided I do not want a surprise shower. Let’s put it this way, if it’s not exactly how I want it.. I dont want it. Writing that down makes me sound like a bitch LOL. When I made my plans I wanted to go all out, flowers here, pink there, a bit of gold there, catering over there, cocktails galore THE FULL MONTY BABE but let me just chill on this one. I’ll celebrate when she’s here *Joanne the scammer smirk*

I have created a wish list on thingstogetme.com and sent it to everyone who would have been invited. I hope they remember to buy stuff🙂, I mean usually you buy stuff last minute on your way to your friends baby shower but now there isn’t one...Who and what will remind them? 

Don’t worry though if no one gets me anything, we’ve got this! Ive started to buy things already. Luckily I know what I need and I know the things I won’t actually use from when I had my son. I’m such a hoarder, the less I buy the better. I’m planning on replacing her clothes every season. As in buying 0-3 month clothes and accessories first then giving it to charity once she outgrows it then buying 3-6 months etc. I need as much space as possible with 2 children so im hoping this technique will make a big difference.

Welp. My clothes don’t fit me.
Literally nothing in my wardrobe fits. Not a thing. I’m wearing like 3 outfits (barely) on rotation at this point. These outfits usually consist of leggings, and yeezys. I’ve gone from a size 8/10 to 14 babes, this is different for me. I haven’t bought any new clothes because my new size sells out fast and tbh I don’t like anything out there right now. 

My body is definitely feeling the pressure this trimester. I can barely stand up and laying down is uncomfortable. If you feel the same way I would recommend a pregnancy pillow. CLICK ME I sleep/rest with mines on the side of my belly and in between my legs and it’s pure bliss. Its also great because baby can use it once she's here. Another ‘thing’ I tried was a pregnancy massage at Nobu hotel. Whew chile, I had a package and I was so worried they wouldn’t let me do the massage part due to me being pregnant. Sis, they had a whole massage ready for me. I wish I knew my masseuse name, she was incredible! She asks how your pregnancy has been and where your problem areas are and gets to werk. You know it’s a good massage when you fall asleep! I left there feeling  goodt.

As the beginning is near I look forward to seeing what my baby looks like. I can’t wait to see her little personality. I cant wait to read her all the books ive bought her. I can’t wait to dress her in cool little fits like meee. I can’t wait to buy her natural hair products. I can’t wait to teach her to love herself. I can’t wait to teach her how to win!

I look forward to meeting her, it feels like forever now. Plus I’m starting to get the “are you having twins” question *insert the Viola Davis meme*

Photography by Josimar Senior
Make up by Unpeel

Talk to yall when baby arrives.
By Gods grace


Did somebody say pregnancy updatesss?!
Happy to say that my sickness has calmed down so much. No vomiting either! I really thought I'd be suffering through out this pregnancy. Are any of you in your 2nd trimester and still extremely sick? I would recommend seeing a doctor as soon as you can. I didn't want to take medication however the tablets I was prescribed helped immensely.

Baby is moving soooo much, kicking like there's no tomorrow. My 'bump' is growing slowly but surely. It looks huge in photos but just there in person. I think (probably not) I look smaller than what I am nonetheless I feel this far gone. Bruh possibly further 

I've finally told the majority if not all *re thinks* of my friends and family I'm expecting. This includes my 4 year old son. I told him last because gat damn he can chat! HE WAS SO HAPPY. Of course he's gone on to tell his nursery, family and strangers that he's going to be a big brother. The bump gets loads of hi's, bye's, good mornings and about 100000000 kisses daily. 

Back pain has been ridiculous. Going wee a billion times an hour has been annoying.

Gender reveal time...

Let me start by saying that nobody knew the gender having except my cousin. She knew because she was the chosen one and helped out by filling the balloon with the correct colour and contacting the baker about the sponge colour. Many people thought i knew and was just holding back the info, weird flex but ok.

So yaasss, last month I found out the gender of this lil gymnast. Some of you would have come here from instagram and would already known that I'm carrying a... BABY GIRL! Like wow, I really thought I'd have all boys or a few boys and one girl. Most people predicted I'd have a girl or that I was carrying twins (maybe next next next time L O L) Big thanks to all my friends & family who helped and got things in order whilst my baby brain was doing the most 😩

  •  Plan my baby shower
  • Get the kids room sorted
  • Go out for mocktails
  • Start buying baby girls some clothes with colour
  • Let others help me
  • Take more pictures with the bump
  • Get flewed out aka babymoon


Also shout out to the people who bring me food. I love you the most, you're all doing amazing.

DM x



I'm pregnannnttttttt

I had no idea. There were no symptoms to begin with so I was literally doing the most *sips cocktail*
Although my waist widened very early on in my pregnancy I still didn't think I was. Especially as I was trying to gain weight (get thick or die trying) I thought it was exactly that.
But no,
God had better plans.

The moment I peed on that stick, morning sickness kicked innnnnn!
I honestly don't understand why it's called 'morning sickness because it comes at any point in the day.
Just like my first pregnancy I tried every remedy. The ginger biscuits, peppermint tea, lemon water, crackers, lemonade, prayer... you name it. I eventually was admitted into hospital and was prescribed anti sickness tablets which stopped the vomiting. Praise God. I still feel sick but life is manageable now.

I have no cravings at the moment and barely ever know what I feel for.
Which is annoying because my body tells me I'm hungry but I take so long to decide I start feeling sick.

After being depressed for so damn long I'm feeling positive about what's to come. This little blessing is already helping me make changes for the better and start the things I thought were impossible. So yassss, I'm about to take this journey easy. I plan to create loads of memories during this time and take a lot of pics too (because where are the pics of my first pregnancy pls??)

This post was rushed however there will be more mummy blog posts to come
 so stay tuned & stay blessedt 
Mummy Dans

Necklaces - Crop top - Cycling shorts - Zara men's sneakers similar - Primark Anklets



The best month of the year has started, the greatest season of the year has begun...

Welcome to AUGUST aka LEO SEASON (Virgos who??)

haha, but yasszz i'm just stopping by for a quick outfit post. *waves*

I also wanted to remind you that you are PERFECT!
There is no need to do extraaa things to please
others because you are brilliant at just being you.
If you've got to make changes to be accepted by something or someone then just leave it alone.
Don't lose yourself

do it for
you and
not for